January 2024

  • Email Marketing Regulations: A Guide for Smart Outreach

    Email Marketing Regulations: A Guide for Smart Outreach

    Last week, we dove into the intriguing debate of warm versus cold email marketing, we briefly mentioned something about email marketing regulations: yes, there are regulations for marketing emails. Now, you might be wondering, “Why on earth do I need to know about regulations?” Trust me, by the end of this blog post, you’ll be…

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  • Is Warm Email Better Than Cold Email Marketing?

    Is Warm Email Better Than Cold Email Marketing?

    We all have been at the other end of marketing emails. Either warm or cold emails, we all have someone constantly hitting our inbox with messages about their products or services – and who knows, if you are like me, you might have an email that you use for everything, so all those marketing emails…

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  • Mastering Social Media Budgeting: A Guide

    Mastering Social Media Budgeting: A Guide

    As a marketer and having worked on Social Media for some time, I have seen a lot: from clients trying to run campaigns for less than $10 a week to people with big budgets that don’t get used.   I get it: is not easy to do budgeting. A lot of factors are involved in…

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  • Why Should You (Or Not) Like Your Own Posts?

    Why Should You (Or Not) Like Your Own Posts?

    This article is brought to you thanks to Threads and wordstudio.ai and a very interesting conversation 👀 There has been this debate online since the very beginnings of Social Media, and maybe it is time to clarify once and for all what to do: should you, as a person or business, like your own posts? Why or…

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  • Strategic Brilliance 2024: Planning For Success

    Strategic Brilliance 2024: Planning For Success

    Welcome to 2024! Starting a new year is always exciting: new beginnings always bring new hopes and new plans: a world of endless possibilities and fresh opportunities lies ahead. What’s YOUR plan? Ideally, marketing planning for the year should have happened in the last quarter of the previous year – if you have no plan,…

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