Website vs. Landing Page: Understanding the Key Differences

Is better to have a website or a landing page?

Being a sailor on the waters of the internet brings us not only an unlimited amount of information but a lot of fun new terms and concepts.

Let’s explore together two very important concepts: website and landing page. The goal is to give you a clear insight into each one and how to decide between building one or the other. While both terms are used interchangeably more often than not, they are not the same, nor have the same goals; learning which one to use in which situation can improve the results of your overall strategy.

What is a Website?

A website is one of the most common things on the internet: pretty much all of us – marketers or not – have heard the word website and most likely visited one probably a billion times. The simplest way to understand a website is by looking at it as a book: a collection of interconnected pages that you can access and view through a web browser. All these pages – just like the book pages – will share certain characteristics like a domain (which we could say is sort of like the book title) and design. Like a book, a website will usually have multiple sections, each one with a specific purpose – just like book chapters – and made to provide comprehensive information about a particular brand, product, service, or topic.

What is a Landing Page

While a landing page is a web page, it is not a website by itself. A website can contain one or more landing pages, but a landing page can perfectly live without being part of a website. Landing pages are a single web entry designed to achieve a specific marketing goal, such as generating leads or driving sales, and usually are part of a marketing campaign.


While the objective of a website is to provide as much information as possible, landing pages are designed to be highly focused and concise and revolve around a clear call-to-action (CTA) to encourage visitors to take a specific action.

What is better, a Landing Page or a Website?

Determining what is better will depend on your goals since the main difference between them is their purpose. When it comes to choosing between a website and a landing page, you have to sit down and determine the specific marketing goal you want to achieve. 


Here are some factors to consider when deciding what would be a better fit for you, a Website over a Landing Page:

  1. How many products/services/goals are you pursuing? If you have multiple products or services that you want to promote, a website may be a better choice as it will allow you to organize your offerings and provide more detailed information about each one. The design of Landing pages focuses on a single goal and a clear Call to Action.

  2. Is this part of a particular campaign or part of a content strategy? Landing pages are often for specific campaigns, such as product launches or limited-time offers. Building engagement on the other hand will require a variety of content. A website will allow you to build towards long-term goals and build an online presence.

  3. What are your budget and timeline? Landing pages typically have a simpler design and layout than websites which makes them not only easier to navigate and understand but reduces considerably the cost and implementation time.

  4. Are you looking to do any testing? Landing pages are often used for A/B testing. Testing different elements to see which performs best can help you optimize for conversions and improve your overall marketing results.

Choose wisely. Your main compass to decide what the best course of action is should be your marketing goals and the message you want to convey to your audience.

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