Why Reusing Old Content Can Be Harmful To Your Brand’s Image

Repeating Content Might Be Harmful to Your Brand

In a previous article, we talked about the importance of content. We know that what we create should be valuable and relevant if we want it to establish trust and credibility, build brand awareness, and drive engagement, and we know that creating is a process: content does not grow in trees. Thoughtful content takes time to produce, which may lead us to consider recycling our content.

Can I Recycle my Old Posts?

While there are some situations where repeating a post might be appropriate, doing it with the sole intention of saving some time (or money if we are paying someone for content creation) can do more harm than good. Depending on the particular campaign, situation, and frequency of the repetition, repeating your content can:

  1. Become spammy
  2. Hurt your brand’s image
  3. Decrease the content value
  4. Limit your reach

Below, we will go more in-depth on the potential consequences of reusing old content.

Repeated Content can be Seen as Spammy:

Repeating the same post over and over again can lead your followers to feel like you are spamming them. Trying to deliver the same message in the same colors and with the same image over a long period can be perceived by the audience as annoying.

Repeated Content can Hurt your Brand’s Image:

Besides making you look lazy, reusing content can damage your brand’s image and reputation. Your follower’s perception of your brand might change, and they might become less interested in your brand.

Repeated Content is less Valuable:

Nowadays, Social Media is a jungle saturated with content. Given the amount of information and posts that come and go, the lifespan of each post is very short. On average, the lifespan of your Social Media content is 48 hours at most. Bringing back an old post past its lifespan will not generate additional value

Repeated Content Can Limit Your Reach:

You might have heard the term “algorithm” at least once if you are a Social Media user. The algorithms feed us relevant content based on the information we have fed them. Many tend to prioritize fresh content. 

There are some situations where it might be appropriate to repeat a post, such as if it’s relevant, important, or part of a larger campaign; however, it is recommendable to avoid reusing old content unless completely necessary. In case you have to reuse old content, make sure to do it sparingly, and make sure you’re adding value with each repost, whether that’s by providing additional context or updating the content.

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