Google as a Marketing Tool: Why it is Important to be SEARCHABLE


There is nothing more sketchy than a business that does not come up when you Google it. And yes, I mean it.

Think about it: how many times have you seen something – a product, a service, a TV show – that might have called your attention and decided to go STRAIGHT to spend your money on it? Usually, when we see something we like or a business that “looks cool” we will run to Google to learn more about it. 

As we have discussed in previous articles, having an online presence via Social Media and building up your Social Validation is not only a tool to attract prospects but a way to build trust: the virtual realm is as crucial as the physical storefront nowadays. 

Search engines, such as Google, cannot be overstated. Search engines make you and your business discoverable. 

The Power of Information

Consumers wield the power of information at their fingertips.

We live in an era where finding out how something works, how to get somewhere, and the latest news is a click (or a touch) away. If we have a doubt, a question, or need something, we do not need to go out of our way to find a newspaper, look for someone who knows, or go to the library and search for a book: information has become one of the currencies of the digital realm.

Consider your own daily interactions with technology: whether it’s learning a new recipe, understanding the specifications of a gadget, or even settling a bet with a friend, the reflex is to reach for the nearest device and do a quick Google Search. This accessibility to information has fundamentally transformed the way we live and consume.

As a consumer, searching on Google isn’t just about finding a product or service; it’s about making an informed decision. When you hear from a friend about a new place to eat or a new product, the next natural step is to seek more information. Usually, those recommendations are followed by a “look for them on Social Media” or by a quick search about the location (photos, reviews, etc.) that can validate the recommendation.

As a business, being searchable on Google is not merely a perk; it’s a prerequisite for success in the digital marketplace.

Why Being “Searchable”

The available information about you and your brand online will drive decisions.

Being searchable is closely tied to consumer trust: in the digital age, trust is no longer built solely through face-to-face interactions or physical storefronts. Instead, it’s cultivated through a strategic online presence, and at the forefront of this online landscape stands Google and the other search engines.

When a potential customer conducts a Google search and your business fails to appear, it’s not merely a missed opportunity — it’s a breach in the seamless flow of information. The digital-savvy consumer might perceive an absence on the search results page as a gap in legitimacy. In a world where trust is built on virtual interactions as much as physical ones, this perception can be detrimental.

Being searchable is not a luxury reserved for the big players; it’s a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. It levels the playing field, allowing a local startup to compete with industry giants on the same digital stage. It’s not just about having a website; it’s about ensuring that when a potential customer takes that crucial step to learn more, your business is right there in front of them, easily accessible and ready to meet their needs.

How Can I Make My Business More “Searchable”

Making your business more “searchable” starts with a very simple step: existing somewhere: a website, Social Media, Yelp, Google MyBusiness. Any platform that gets your name out on the web and that you can control is a good start.

Once you do exist somewhere on the internet, becoming more searchable will involve not only being around but also showing that you are active and implementing strategies that enhance your online visibility and discoverability:

  1. Optimize Your Website for Search Engines (SEO).
  2. Claim your Google My Business.
  3. Be Active on Social Media.
  4. Keep your content updated

The journey to making your business more searchable is not a one-time task but an ongoing commitment to digital relevance. Combining a foundational online presence with active engagement, SEO optimization, and content freshness, will not only make your business easily discoverable but will position it for success.

Looking to improve your online presence? Contact us and let’s discuss what your needs are 😉

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