Marketing Ideas

  • Social Media Trends: What are They and How Can They Help my Brand

    A couple of weeks back, when we discussed how TikTok can be a good place for businesses, we explored different ways of creating viral content and talked about how embracing trends can be positive for our brand, but what is a trend? In short, a trend is an original piece of content (a sound, a dance,…

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  • Why is Content Important?

    The world now revolves around content. Content is now shaping the way we live and how industries evolve. Content marketing becomes crucial now more than ever: its strategic approach to creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content is the key to attracting and retaining a clearly defined audience and driving profitable customer action The primary…

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  • Marketing and Valentine’s Day

    February 14th is a date of great importance for many around the globe and a great day for marketers and businesses. Marketing and Valentine’s Day are two concepts that have been intertwined for decades, creating a unique and powerful relationship between the two. Expressing love and affection, often represented by the act of giving, has…

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