A Yearly Review of Luna

The Last Blog Post of 2023: A Yearly Review of Luna

2023 has been a rollercoaster. We went from being a small unknown agency to having over 500 Thriends (if you know what “Thriends” are, chances are you are one of our thriends – so: ✨HI, BESTIE✨), remaking our website a couple of times, crafting a brand identity (which includes the Cow Mug as a marketing strategy) and having a very active blog. We started building from scratch what we once dreamed. 


But we are not anywhere near done.

A Year Full of CONTENT

Keeping up with a content schedule is not an easy task! Maintaining a consistent content schedule is no small feat, and 2023 proved to be a marathon of creativity for us. Juggling the demands of producing engaging content – for both us and our clients – we managed to create 54 blog posts for our site (this is not counting any content created for our clients) throughout the year, each carefully crafted to provide value, insights, and, of course, a sprinkle of humor along with our personal touch 😉

We stayed as consistent as possible while still delivering to our clients: we aimed for our content to be as diverse as it was entertaining. We dove into topics that inspired us and, hopefully, brought a smile to someone.

The two best things out of these were:

  1. All the fun of crafting content.
  2. Looking at how our posts help our SEO.

The Best Post Was The Least Expected

While we have attempted to stay on top of trends (and probably have talked way too much about Twitter and Elon’s poor decisions), the magic behind content creation is that there will always be that one piece that will surprisingly perform way better than you expect: Our best-performing post of the year was the EMOJIS post which even though we posted it over SIX months ago, it is still to this day receiving organic traffic and ranking FIRST if you search for “too many emojis can be distracting or might make people think your reel is watch bait.”

Unintentional, but good proof that longer search terms can perform super well. If you missed it, now’s the perfect time to catch up and join the discussion.

Our Social Media Performance

As we look back on our Social Media shenanigans in 2023, we’re feeling the love. It has been a wild ride. If you have EVER tried to grow an account organically, you know exactly what we are talking about as growing on Social Media requires you to invest TIME and resources.

Our posts seem to perform better on Threads, where we reached the 500 Follower mark in about six months. Engagement has a lot to do with that: while we have weird hours to engage we try to be there for all of our Thriends.

Following Threads, our second best-performing platform is Instagram where we recently surpassed the 100-follower mark. Yeah, 100 followers sound little when you think about it in terms of how vast Social Media is, but have you ever thought about how many people are 100 followers? 100 followers would not fit in your home. 100 followers is already a small auditorium: we have to celebrate having over 100 people listening and looking at us as that is 100 people MORE than what we had when we started.

On the side of TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter/X – yes, we do have profiles and content… but who said we couldn’t focus on one or two platforms for growth? Less is more, and sometimes, being everywhere might not be the right call: focusing on a couple of places can yield better results. Quality over quantity, right?

Our 2023 Review in a Nutshell

Growing Threads, conquering Instagram, and maintaining our blog — all while keeping our promises to clients and managing the chaos of life. It’s a juggling act, and we’re spinning plates like pros. Thanks for cheering us on as we dance through this social media circus. You guys make it all worthwhile!

We do not want to bore you with more numbers but leave you with a lesson: growth isn’t just about numbers; it’s about the connections we’ve made, the laughs shared, and the community that’s embraced us. Social media is more than just a numbers game—it’s a journey, and we’re thrilled to have you along for the ride.


As we look back on 2023, we’re not just going over the numbers and celebrating our wins; we’re celebrating YOU. We’re celebrating the community that’s grown around Luna. Your support has been EVERYTHING to us. So, whether you’ve been with us from the beginning or just joined the Luna journey, thank you for being a part of our adventure. Here’s to more laughs, insights, and pictures of the Cow Mug in 2024!

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