What is Lemon8 and Why Should I be Interested on it?

Lemon8 - aesthetically pleasing lifestyle app

Even though there are still a couple of months before Summer, it is never too early to stay fresh and have some Lemonade, don’t you think?


If you are anywhere around TikTok or Social Media overall, you probably know where we are going with that question: today we are going to be talking about Lemon8. 

What is Lemon8?

Let’s start by saying that Lemon8 is not new: they have been around since 2020. The name was inspired by the word “lemonade”. Citing what the description on the App Store says, Lemon8 is a place for young creatives to share a diversity of content from fashion, makeup, food, and travel, to homewares, pets, and anything else you can imagine. The app is currently working its way into the US audience and has positioned itself as the #1 Lifestyle App on the App Store.

Lemon8 App Store Screenshot

Lemon8 shares one thing in common with TikTok: the same parent company. While the US debates between banning TikTok (all thanks to Bill S.686, also known as the Restrict Act which I would recommend you read if you have a chance) or letting it live another day, Lemon8 has steadily built a path to be Instagram’s worst nightmare.

Is Lemon 8 the New TikTok?

In short, no. While the app shares the same “parent” with TikTok and does have the “Following” and “For You” tabs that we all know already, the focus of the app is quite different. The content is more centered around particular topics and does not allow scrolling the same way TikTok does.

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Overall, the app aims to be aesthetically pleasing and leans heavily toward influencer marketing. While it is a bit early to know, Lemon8 influencers will probably get sponsored by brands to sell a specific aesthetic or lifestyle to their audiences.  ambitious and setting unattainable goals will build frustration instead of success for you and your team – it is like running in a race where the finish line is millions of miles away – while you can see what you want, you will hardly reach it. Instead, set goals that are challenging but achievable

Why is it Important to Talk About Lemon8?

As social media evolves and new platforms emerge, staying up-to-date and aware of any changes and additions to the Social Media game becomes crucial. As new platforms become popular, they attract a unique set of users who may not be on other established platforms, allowing us to identify potential new audiences and reach them where they are.


To that, we have to add the advantage you can get from early adoption: establishing a presence on the platform before it becomes too saturated can help us gain a larger following before others catch on and make us stay ahead of the curve and be better prepared for future changes and trends.


Being aware of new platforms and features will allow us to experiment with new ways of creating content and engaging with our audience, ultimately leading to more innovation and creativity in our marketing efforts.

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