Blogging is NOT Dead

Blogging is NOT Dead

Yesterday, while exploring Threads, I saw more than one post reading something like “Blogging is coming back this 2024”. And I could not help but think: who told these people that blogging was dead?

Ok, yeah, I get it – we live in a world where there is a bunch of content EVERYWHERE: from blogs to memes and video content. Sometimes it is hard to keep track of everything at once, but the fact that there is more content around us is not a sign that blogs are dead. In fact, according to the Web Tribunal, there are more than 600 million blogs out of 1.9 billion websites in the world.

Looking at numbers, WordPress reports that its users produce about 70 million new posts and 77 million new comments each month. Let that sink in for a second. How long would it take us to read a month’s worth of content? And that is JUST what is on WordPress.

What is a Blog?

A blog is nothing but an informational website, usually written in an informal/conversational voice (just like this one), and that can be about a variety of topics, from dairy-style entries to technical information, the idea behind the blog is to inform.

Blogs have been around since 1994 when Justin Hall created the first blog on – and to this day, blogging continues to be a great form of self-expression and journalism, staying alive thanks to its adaptability, diverse format, and marketing benefits. 

Blogging remains a dynamic and effective way of communicating with your audience. And a great SEO Tool!

Blogging and Marketing

I am dead sure you have heard this one before: your company should have a blog. Blogs drive traffic, blogs help SEO. Blogs are a GREAT marketing tool. A study by HubSpot shows that businesses that engage in blogging get 55% more website visitors. And blogs are not only great for increasing your traffic, there are several reasons why blogging should be part of your strategy:

Content Diversity

While Blogs were born as literal text entries, nowadays they are more than just a bunch of words and include various content formats. It is not weird to find blogs including videos, infographics, and other multimedia elements making the entries more entertaining and appealing to a broader audience.

Blogs continue to be a valuable source of information and education. Whether it’s a how-to guide, industry insights, or thought leadership pieces, blogs serve as a medium for sharing knowledge.

Blogs allow for in-depth exploration of topics, providing more comprehensive information than social media posts. Long-form content is still valuable for those seeking detailed information, analysis, or tutorials. And, of course, you can always convert a blog post into several short-form posts to share 😉

Blogging for Good SEO

There is SO MUCH we can say about blogging and SEO that we might need a whole article to discuss the topic. As you might know, Search Engines LOVE fresh and relevant content. Blogging is an excellent way to consistently provide new material helping you and your website’s search engine rankings and increasing your online visibility.

Establishing Your Personal Brand

Doctors and professors are known for their published articles, papers, and dissertations. Individuals and businesses like us can use blogs to showcase our expertise, share our experiences, and build a unique online presence. As a professional, entrepreneur, or creative, having a blog is a great way to establish yourself in your field and showcase your knowledge to your audience.

Foster Community via Your Blog

I have seen communities being born from blogs more often than not. Particularly, this is very common with blogs around self-improvement, and coaching where communities gather around shared interests. Readers can engage with the content through comments and social media, creating a sense of community benefiting both the blogger and the audience.

Blogs often cater to specific niches where passionate audiences seek specialized content which can lead to a loyal and engaged readership, even if the overall reach is smaller.

Monetization Opportunities

I am sure you know this, but it is possible to generate income through your blog. Affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and ad revenue are just some of the ways you can generate revenue, but, of course, you can use your blog to promote your own product or service. According to Growth Badger, 45% of bloggers who earn over $50,000 per year sell their own product or service. Blogging provides a platform for individuals to turn their passion or expertise into a source of income.

Blogging for the Fun

Yup, blogging can be fun and help your mental health too! For years, mental health professionals have indicated that writing can be beneficial for your mental health – and blogging is in essence that: writing. In a 2013 study of 161 high school students, researchers at the University of Haifa found that writing a blog was more effective than writing in a private diary in improving troubled students’ self-esteem and lessening their social anxiety and emotional distress.

Well, if this is not enough to convince you, I am not sure what is. But the conclusions here are:

  1. No, blogging is NOT DEAD.
  2. Yes, start a blog.

Looking to start a blog? We can help you get started!


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