Social Media, Customer Service and Your Online Presence

Social Media, Customer Service and your Online Presence

Back in the ’90s, if you had an issue with any product or service, your options were limited: you either had to go to the store or call. There was no way around that.

Nowadays, there are a billion ways you can get in touch with a business if you have an issue: from Social Media to phone, email, and even chat; reaching out to a business now is not only supposed to be easy but is expected by clients to be EASY.

Last week, we talked about how the way you treat your customers is linked to your brand’s identity and how bad experiences can make your clients go to your competitors. Today, we would like to explore how Social Media can help you be more reachable and enhance your overall customer experience.

Social Media as Part of Your Online Presence

In the same way that being available at your storefront was a requirement back in the day to be in business, having a presence on the World Wide Web is now crucial for your business to establish its existence. According to Forbes, 71% of businesses have a website in 2023, and considering that, as of July 1, 2019, Millennials have surpassed Baby Boomers as the largest living adult generation, according to population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, it makes a lot of sense for businesses to be online now more than ever.

Social media has transformed from just a space for sharing cat pictures or memes and connecting with friends into a powerful tool. It serves as the 21st-century digital storefront, providing a direct line for communication with your clients. It’s not just a platform; it’s a dynamic resource for engagement and brand building. Being online is not a luxury but a necessity. Both you and your business must go the extra mile to enhance client convenience and maximize outreach.

As you may already know, nowadays, establishing a strong online presence, fostering meaningful conversations, and building a community around your brand are KEY ingredients for long-term success.

Accessible Customer Service via Social Media

Statista estimated the global number of social media users to reach 3.1 billion this year. One hundred people in a room sounds like a lot, now imagine 3.1 billion: this immense user base represents a vast pool of potential customers and a unique opportunity for businesses to engage with their audience in real-time.

But being available through Social Media is not only about the extensive outreach opportunity but also a way to monitor your performance: what are your clients saying about you online? Imagine a dissatisfied customer sharing their experience on Yelp, Twitter (cuz I still refuse to call it X), or Facebook. Without an active social media presence, your business might miss the chance to address the issue promptly and publicly showcase your commitment to customer satisfaction. On the flip side, adeptly managing customer concerns on social media not only helps with resolving issues swiftly but also demonstrates transparency and responsiveness, and, to be straightforward, it’s not just about resolving problems; it’s about letting your clients know that their opinion holds weight for your business and that you’re dedicated to responding with transparency and swiftness.

24/7 Customer Service: Beyond Traditional Business Hours

Let’s talk about a very particular child in the ’90s (a.k.a me): I loved (and still do) stuffed animals and will always have one with me. There was this one time when I was 7 or 8 when we went shopping for school supplies and, in the middle of moving from store to store, I misplaced my stuffed animal without anybody noticing. Late that night, at bedtime, I realized I did not have it, and HELL BROKE LOOSE. I did whatever a mature child would do and cried all night. This was the ’90s and, of course, the Mall was closed, and there was no way for us to contact anybody until the AM – the story has a happy ending as we found it – but it was a rough night for everyone. Can you imagine how different this situation would have been if we had a way to contact the store after hours?

Unlike the brick-and-mortar establishments of the past, Social Media doesn’t adhere to a 9-to-5 schedule. Of course, I am not saying you should be available 24/7 to answer, but your customers are online at various times, and having an active social media presence ensures that your business is accessible around the clock. This level of availability is a game-changer, especially when considering the immediacy that customers now expect.

According to a report by Hootsuite, 90% of users surveyed have used social media to communicate directly with brands. This statistic underscores the growing preference for social media as a customer service channel. By meeting your customers where they are, you not only make it convenient for them to connect but also foster a sense of reliability and openness.

Turning Challenges Into Opportunities

We have talked about management crisis and how to turn negative reviews into opportunities: with social media, you have the chance to turn challenges into opportunities. 

A survey by HubSpot found that 70% of consumers change their perception of a brand based on its response to negative reviews: being responsive is a game changer! The way you treat your customers says a lot about you and your brand and having the opportunity to address customer service concerns via Social Media can affect the perception that prospects have of you and your brand.

Social Media is an opportunity: to connect, to be present in your audience’s life, and to build relationships. Being present and actively engaging with your audience can solidify your brand identity.

The quality of support you provide to your clients speaks TONS about you and your business: being easy to reach is not just an expectation—it’s a competitive advantage.

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