Email Marketing: a Key to Building Strong Relationships with Your Audience

Email Marketing

The concept of email as we know it today is probably older than you imagine.

ARPANET’s networked email system was created back in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson, giving us access to instantaneous communication between machines. Slowly but steadily, electronic mail usage started to spread first to other businesses, then to the government, universities, and defense/military industries around the 80s and, finally, in the 90s, with the internet BOOM and the creation of webmail, the usage of email expanded to the general public.

With every new form of communication developed, businesses have to adapt, and new ways to market are born to take advantage of these new resources. With the widespread usage of email, marketers started to develop strategies to reach their audiences, and the concept of email marketing was born

What is Email Marketing?


Wikipedia describes email marketing as the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. Based on that definition, any email you have sent to a client or potential client could be considered email marketing, but you and I know that not all business emails are marketing emails.

The concept of email marketing has evolved a lot throughout the years, going from simply sending a “BUY NOW” message advertising a product to a way of building engagement with a more curated audience. Building an email list has become an art and a science that, with the proper execution, will bring you better leads and better results. Email lists are a collection of email addresses acquired through various means like website sign-ups, lead magnets, or purchases. Email lists are usually full of warm leads or actual clients, making them a great source for new and recurring business, feedback, and comments.

Building vs. Buying an Email List

Building an email list is a process: one does not simply wake up one morning and decide to give their email away to all and every business they reach out to. You have to earn it. Each email on your list is a valuable resource and should be treated as an important asset not only given the engagement of each lead but as a tool to generate lookalike audiences, reach more people, and build trust and engagement. 

While you can obtain an email list from a provider – at a cost, of course – for a quick and easy way to get leads, buying a list will rarely yield the same results as if you build the list. Pre-build lists for sale might contain outdated, incorrect, or even fake emails, have a higher risk of spam as you are sending unsolicited emails to people who have not agreed to be contacted, and have lower engagement than lists that you build over time.

Here are some of the key reasons why we do recommend building an email list rather than purchasing one:

Building a List Guarantees Better Engagement

After all, the contacts on your list provided their information willingly. They are your audience, and having their direct contact means you can communicate on a more personal level and build a stronger relationship with them over time

Building a List can Generate Repeat Traffic

Someone who has already shown interest in you or your brand is more likely to open an email and click on the links within it. Including links to your latest blog posts, products, or services can drive more website traffic and increase engagement with your content.

Building a List can Increase Sales and Conversions

Someone who has already shown interest in you or your brand is more likely to open an email and click on the links within it. Including links to your latest blog posts, products, or services can drive more website traffic and increase engagement with your content.

Building a List EQUALS Building Brand Awareness

Staying on the top of your subscriber’s inbox does build brand awareness and can help establish yourself as an authority in your industry. By consistently sending high-quality content to your subscribers, you can showcase your expertise and build credibility with your audience. Just make sure to not cross the line between “consistent” and “spammy”

Building a List Lets You Own Your Audience

Unlike social media, where your reach and engagement are at the mercy of the platform’s algorithms and policies, your email list is something that you own and control. This means that you can communicate with your audience on your terms and not have to worry about changes to the platform’s policies or algorithms affecting your reach and engagement.

Do you currently have an email list? Are you looking into building one? Whether you’re a small business owner, a marketer, or an entrepreneur, email marketing should be an essential part of your strategy as a tool to generate repeat traffic, increase sales and conversions, build brand awareness, and own your audience.

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