Let’s Test Your Skills! How Much Do You Know About Reusing Content and Following Trends?

How much do you know about reusing content and following trends?

So far, we have discussed why reusing old content can be harmful to your brand’s image, and how following trends can benefit us and increase our overall brand awareness. While those two statements sound contradictory, there is a clear difference between recycling your content and following a trend.

Let’s see how much you know about each topic!

How did it go? I am sure you did GREAT! – If you feel like you can use a bit of a refresher, feel free to take a minute and read our blog one more time for more information. You can as well contact us for more information or with any comments or suggestions you might have.

Remember, while there can be some overlap between these two approaches, they are ultimately quite different. Following trends is a way to engage with your audience at the moment and take advantage of the latest cultural touchstones by creating new content around it while reusing content does take advantage of previous resources and can be used to reinforce a relevant or important message, or as part of a larger campaign.

Both approaches have their goal. Ultimately, the key is to focus on your audience and find a balance that allows your brand to stay fresh, provide relevant information, and build engagement.

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