Google Analytics 4: A Game-Changer for Data Analytics

Google Analytics

We are getting closer to the end of an era as the current version of Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) will stop processing data on July 1, 2023. As marketers, we are all familiar with Google Analytics, that little web analytics service offered by Google that has been our friend and companion since 2005, helping us track and report website traffic, and that provides us with insights to tweak and develop strategies. Universal Analytics is currently migrating to a new version (Google Analytics 4) and understanding what’s coming is crucial to keep rocking.

But what is changing? Below are some details on what the upgrade will include:

  1. The Data Model will now be Event-Based: GA4 uses an event-based data model that allows a more comprehensive tracking and analysis of user interactions. Every user action is treated as an event, providing more granular data on user behavior.
  2. Enhanced User and Event Tracking: GA4 provides more robust user and event tracking than Universal Analytics. GA4 will now include tracking across devices and the ability to track different types of events, such as scroll depth (yes, Google will now know how long that doom scroll was), video engagement, and file downloads.
  3. Improved Data Privacy: worried about what Google knows? GA4 has been designed to be more privacy-focused. It will be better equipped to handle data regulations such as GDPR and CCPA.
  4. New Reporting Features: new reporting features are coming! Now, we will have access to predictive metrics, cross-device reporting, and machine learning insights.

Overall, the switch to GA4 represents a significant upgrade in the capabilities of the Google Analytics platform. While there may be some initial challenges in learning the new system, the enhanced tracking and reporting capabilities will provide valuable insights and help us develop better campaigns and optimizations.

What steps have you taken to prepare for the change?

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