
  • Why Should You (Or Not) Like Your Own Posts?

    Why Should You (Or Not) Like Your Own Posts?

    This article is brought to you thanks to Threads and and a very interesting conversation 👀 There has been this debate online since the very beginnings of Social Media, and maybe it is time to clarify once and for all what to do: should you, as a person or business, like your own posts? Why or…

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  • Strategic Brilliance 2024: Planning For Success

    Strategic Brilliance 2024: Planning For Success

    Welcome to 2024! Starting a new year is always exciting: new beginnings always bring new hopes and new plans: a world of endless possibilities and fresh opportunities lies ahead. What’s YOUR plan? Ideally, marketing planning for the year should have happened in the last quarter of the previous year – if you have no plan,…

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  • The Last Blog Post of 2023: A Yearly Review of Luna

    The Last Blog Post of 2023: A Yearly Review of Luna

    2023 has been a rollercoaster. We went from being a small unknown agency to having over 500 Thriends (if you know what “Thriends” are, chances are you are one of our thriends – so: ✨HI, BESTIE✨), remaking our website a couple of times, crafting a brand identity (which includes the Cow Mug as a marketing strategy) and…

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  • Blogging and SEO – Why Should Businesses Blog?

    Blogging and SEO – Why Should Businesses Blog?

    Last week, we strived to make clear that Blogging IS NOT Dead. Not only are blogs one of the most common things on the internet, with more than 600 million blogs out there, but they are a great source of content and a great way to keep your audience updated and engaged while improving your overall SEO.…

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  • Blogging is NOT Dead

    Blogging is NOT Dead

    Yesterday, while exploring Threads, I saw more than one post reading something like “Blogging is coming back this 2024”. And I could not help but think: who told these people that blogging was dead? Ok, yeah, I get it – we live in a world where there is a bunch of content EVERYWHERE: from blogs…

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  • Social Media, Customer Service and Your Online Presence

    Back in the ’90s, if you had an issue with any product or service, your options were limited: you either had to go to the store or call. There was no way around that. Nowadays, there are a billion ways you can get in touch with a business if you have an issue: from Social…

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  • Holiday Advertising: Navigating the Festive Market for Success

    WELCOME to the holidays! When everything is jolly and merry. It is that time of the year when people get together to share time with their loved ones. And it is a great time for advertisers and businesses. Or is it? The Market During the Holidays The holidays are very exciting for everyone, and businesses…

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  • The Art of Establishing Client Boundaries

    As a former call center employee, I have a billion horror stories I could tell you about the customers: from having to deal with people with real problems to people who were simply mad at life or even people who did not know where they were standing (when I was working for MICROSOFT I got…

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  • Inside The Purchase Decision Process – How Clients Make Decisions?

    I am sure you have all heard that popular saying: “The customer is always right”;  but, have you ever wondered if that is actually true? Do people ALWAYS know what they want? Well, if you have not, I have. Not only because I am human and a “consumer” after all – yes, like every other person, I…

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  • Google as a Marketing Tool: Why it is Important to be SEARCHABLE

    There is nothing more sketchy than a business that does not come up when you Google it. And yes, I mean it. Think about it: how many times have you seen something – a product, a service, a TV show – that might have called your attention and decided to go STRAIGHT to spend your…

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