
  • The Evolution of Advertising Metrics: How Facebook Helped Shape Today’s KPIs

    In 2006, the same year I graduated from High School, Facebook became available to the general public. While created originally JUST for Harvard Students and not being the first Social Media platform in existence (there was MySpace, Orkut, and Hi5), Facebook’s launch to the public marked a before and an after on what we know…

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  • Let’s Test Your Skills! How Much Do You Know About Reusing Content and Following Trends?

    So far, we have discussed why reusing old content can be harmful to your brand’s image, and how following trends can benefit us and increase our overall brand awareness. While those two statements sound contradictory, there is a clear difference between recycling your content and following a trend. Let’s see how much you know about each topic!…

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  • Social Media Trends: What are They and How Can They Help my Brand

    A couple of weeks back, when we discussed how TikTok can be a good place for businesses, we explored different ways of creating viral content and talked about how embracing trends can be positive for our brand, but what is a trend? In short, a trend is an original piece of content (a sound, a dance,…

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  • Why Reusing Old Content Can Be Harmful To Your Brand’s Image

    In a previous article, we talked about the importance of content. We know that what we create should be valuable and relevant if we want it to establish trust and credibility, build brand awareness, and drive engagement, and we know that creating is a process: content does not grow in trees. Thoughtful content takes time to…

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  • Is TikTok a Good Place for Businesses?

    TikTok has quickly become a popular social media platform, with over one billion active users worldwide, it is the go-to app for 30.25% of the world’s internet users. By now, we all know – or at least have an idea of – how TikTok works: its main feature is to allow users to create and share short-form…

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  • Can Content Help my SEO strategy?

    We are all looking to improve our visibility in search engines. Wouldn’t it be cool if your page was the number one search result? Well, if you are into the dream of being number one, you’ve probably heard the term “SEO” before. Search Engine Optimization is the art of optimizing your website and making it…

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  • Why is Content Important?

    The world now revolves around content. Content is now shaping the way we live and how industries evolve. Content marketing becomes crucial now more than ever: its strategic approach to creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content is the key to attracting and retaining a clearly defined audience and driving profitable customer action The primary…

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  • Luna Has Been BORN

    Hi everyone! Welcome to Luna. Luna is an initiative aimed at real businesses looking for real marketing solutions. After many years of working on marketing coordination and working in different areas, we decided to venture into creating our own little agency. As we write this, we are unsure how this will go: Will we thrive?…

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