• Tips and Tricks for Content Creation – How to Overcome Writer’s Block?

    Today, I come to you to share a more personal article: sometimes, I feel like life does not allow me to blog. The busiest I get – not only with work but with life – the hardest it gets to sit and write content. Sometimes, I suffer of Writer’s Block. As easy as sometimes it…

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  • Can Content Help my SEO strategy?

    We are all looking to improve our visibility in search engines. Wouldn’t it be cool if your page was the number one search result? Well, if you are into the dream of being number one, you’ve probably heard the term “SEO” before. Search Engine Optimization is the art of optimizing your website and making it…

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  • Google Analytics 4: A Game-Changer for Data Analytics

    We are getting closer to the end of an era as the current version of Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) will stop processing data on July 1, 2023. As marketers, we are all familiar with Google Analytics, that little web analytics service offered by Google that has been our friend and companion since 2005, helping us track…

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  • Luna Has Been BORN

    Hi everyone! Welcome to Luna. Luna is an initiative aimed at real businesses looking for real marketing solutions. After many years of working on marketing coordination and working in different areas, we decided to venture into creating our own little agency. As we write this, we are unsure how this will go: Will we thrive?…

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